Thursday, October 1, 2009

Social Networking - At What Age?

Social Networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, & MySpace, are some of the most popular and fastest growing communities on the web. Each site has a similar minimum age restriction (13 years old), however, one would be naive to think that none of our students under the age of 13 have accounts and use these sites.

So the questions are:
  • What should we teach students about these sites?
  • When should we teach students about the requirements & safety issues regarding these sites?
  • What to do about students that want to use these sites at school?
  • What to do about students who are under 13 & have accounts?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Top 5 Student Computer Lab Quotes

Add a list of the Top 5 Quotes in the Computer Lab from your students.

From the Hutchings Lab:

#5. "Do we get to play games today?"
#4. "I don't have a "H" on my keyboard."
#3. "When do we get to play games?"
#2. "My computer is taking FOREVER!"
#1. "Mr. Horne ..... something happened."

Monday, September 21, 2009

New Sites for 2009-2010

I'm looking to compile a list of new websites to use in our labs for this school year. I'm thinking we post a link to the site & the grade level we intend to use it with.

Here goes:

Monday, January 12, 2009

Student Engagement?

How important is student engagement in your classroom? Is student engagement a passing educational trend, or is it education, as it needs to be? Who is responsible for getting students engaged? The students, the teachers, the parents, the administration? What role does technology play in student engagement?

Please view the link & video below before adding any comments.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Choose Wisely

This discussion is a continuation of a discussion that we had on one of our recent PD days.

Take a look at the current 3-5 Michigan Educational Technology Standards:

There are 38 standards listing in the 3-5 Michigan Technology Standards. Obviously, we cannot spend equal time covering all 38 standards. Also, some standards are probably seen as more important than others to you. I have heard the argument that everything on this list is a standard, so it has to be taught. I want to focus this discussion on a more narrow thought.

Let's debate the 2-3 standards that you feel are the most important to teach to your students. Which 2-3 standards should we spend the most time teaching? Try to address the following points (please add any other thoughts you might have too):

  • Which 2-3 standards will be most important to the student as they continue in education, as a lifelong learner, and as they become an adult?
  • parents might want to see some standards covered more than others, but this is our chance, as a highly qualified educator, to show what standards we think need to be taught often
  • Some standards might be on the verge of being "phased out", as new technologies are introduced

Dr. Amy Tracy Wells article:

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Keyboarding - Do We Have To?

Here is a subject we all feel passionate about. Keyboarding. So, what better way to kick off our own "Howell Elementary Tech Teachers Blog", than a friendly discussion on the value of formal keyboarding?

How do you feel about the importance of proper keyboarding? When (if at all) should keyboarding be taught? How much time should be spent on keyboarding? What is an acceptable speed and accuracy score for an appropriate grade level?

Feel free to post any comments to the questions above, or add your own questions. (BTW, I typed this entire post using only my thumbs :)